2022 Valentine’s Day Gift Guide for her

I usually forget about Valentine’s Day because Donny and I don’t usually buy gifts for each other, and because it happens to be our anniversary (long story ;). This was a new one for me but I had so much fun! I tried to include lots of affordable items and some splurge-worthy items if you really like to go all out for Valentine’s Day. Hope you enjoy!

Snake Plant (or other plant)

I actually got this idea from a friend, and I think it’s really cute! She says that having plants over time reminder her of the years her and her partner have been together :) And if your valentine likes plants but doesn’t have a green thumb, snake plants are (in my experience) by FAR the easiest to keep alive. I’ve sometimes gone several weeks without watering mine and they’re all still alive!


Love Token Coupons

Donny and I used to do these with each other when we first got married - it’s such a fun way to encourage quality time!


Couples Conversation Deck

I love anything that encourages relational depth, and these conversation cards are such a great tool for just that.


Silk Bathrobe

The only thing more luxurious than a bathrobe is a satin/silk one :) I especially love having one for travel because they take up such little space, but add a little bit of luxury to my trips!


Nuuds Pajama Set

This happens to be on my wish list :) I’ve recently become a big fan of pajama sets, and this one was created by one of my favorite influencers, Daryl-Ann Denner. The reviews are raving so I can’t wait to try them!


Vitamin C Serum

This Vitamin C Serum is the BEST. Clean ingredients, smells amazing, and keeps your skin looking bright and vibrant! It’s an easy win for any skincare fanatics.


Ice Roller

Another idea for any valentines who like skincare, spa routines, or anything along those lines. This one is double-sided and has a lid, which makes it so great for travel!


Exfoliating Mask

I think this is a fun gift that also gives you something to do together! This mask leaves your face as smooth as a baby’s bottom, and lasts forever - so it’s totally worth the splurge.



2022 Valentine’s Day Gift Guide For Yourself


2022 Valentine’s Day Gift Guide For Him (splurge)